Monday, March 9, 2009

Local Food and Health

We at Brix Bounty are continuing our effort to bridge the connection between healthy soils, diet, and health. To this end, I've put together a Health and Nutrition Book List, focusing on material that I've found enlightening since I've started farming. Personal and environmental health are two of the foremost areas of consideration when we make decisions here on the farm; our work aims to build soil health and vitality that is capable of producing healthy crops. This work focuses on the chemical, biological, and physical components of the soils.

Regarding soil biology, I've recently been learning more about the role of mycorrhizal fungi the soil. Mycorrhizal fungi have an association with many of our vegetable crops that help the roots access more nutrients in the soils. This season we are including mycorrhizal inoculants as part of our fertility plan. I just started reading Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World by Paul Stamets. Too early to give it a full recommendation, but it definitely presents some intriguing possibilities; especially around the area of mycoremediation of contaminated soils.

Healthy soils are the foundation for productive farms and gardens; and productive farms and gardens can build a foundation for community health. Looking ahead to the summer, it's not too late to sign up for a CSA (community supported agriculture) share for the 2009 season. Local options include: Forbidden Fruit Farm and Silverbrook Farm in Dartmouth, Kettle Pond Farm in Berkeley, and Lucky Fields Organics in Rochester.

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