Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Film Viewing - Flow (a focus on the 21st Century Water Crisis)

While we may take fresh water for granted here in the Northeast; there is growing concern about struggles and conflicts over fresh water. Join the community for a viewing of Flow at UMass Dartmouth, this Tuesday evening April 28th at 6:30 PM at the Library Browsing Area.

While, Flow, will likely focus more on the privatization of water and corporate control of a basic need; the growing water crisis will impact our communities in many ways beyond drinking water. Drought conditions are severely impacting agriculture in California right now; and will likely lead to higher grocery store prices for produce this season. Perhaps, another great reason to support local farms and gardens.

Water is quite a huge issue, with many different viewpoints focusing on a range of solutions. One call for a balanced response to the California crisis was posted last February on Civil Eats: California Drought, Climate Change, and Recommendations for Action. Flow is just one of a number of recent films focusing on Water; see also Blue Gold: World Water Wars and a list of water related films from foodandwaterwatch.org.

Every time I've seen a Poland Springs truck drive by the farm this past year; I've wondered how many more years we will see such a tremendous use of energy transporting bottled water to communities that have high quality tap water...

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